Monday, October 29, 2007

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

Have you ever formed an opinion or held to a perception of a thing only to have that opinion or perception shattered once you actually experienced or encountered the thing? For example, I used to think there was some mystical or deeply spiritual reason why many Asian cultures remove their shoes before entering a residence. That was until I made friends with a Korean in seminary. One day over lunch, I remembered to ask him why it was that they always removed their shoes prior to going in a house. I asked it with all the reverence and respect that I could muster while eating my chicken and he sensed that I was ready for an answer that delved into ancient traditions and mysticism. He smiled, bowed his head and said, "So we can keep the rugs clean."

As a kid raised in an area and culture that was 96% Caucasian, I had some preconceived notions about what African-American culture was like. Even though I had some black friends and played sports with many others, I really had not been "close enough" to experience black culture. That was until I was a freshman in college at the University of Tennessee. My assigned roommate was a black guy from Memphis. Allen and I could not have hit it off any better. We spent a year and a half together before I transferred back to East Tennessee, but I cannot have imagined spending that time with a better friend or roommate. We spent hours over the course of those sixteen months talking about family, friends, faith, food and many other things. I learned things about black culture from him and his friends and had a deeper appreciation for the things that make us different and the ways in which we are similar. I miss Allen.

See what I mean? There are many things in life that look different on the outside than they are when you finally get inside. Some things have a certain allure. Maybe it is an exclusive club or a really hot company, but when you join that institution you discover that there is really nothing to them. Other times you encounter things that appear to have nothing going for them on the outside, but once you peek inside you are exposed to one of the most enriching and moving experiences of your life.

For many, the outside of faith, or a church, or a relationship with Jesus Christ looks like something completely different than what they really are on the inside. As followers of Christ, we need to recognize that fact. If you are someone with only a passing knowledge or notion of what faith in Christ is all about, please understand that things are not always as they appear. Some things are infinitely better!

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