Tryptophan- noun- an essential amino acid, (C8H6N)CH2CH(NH2)COOH, colorless, crystalline, and aromatic, released from proteins by tryptic digestion and a precursor of serotonin.
Tryptophan is found in turkey and you will recall that serotonin is the substance (neurotransmitter) which is involved with and promotes sleep. It IS true! Now you know.
I love Thanksgiving. I love to think about all the things for which I am thankful. I love to eat too. I really love to eat while thinking about things for which I am thankful. Marry that with watching football and you have a little bit of heaven on earth. Okay, being with family ain't bad either.
One of my pet peeves is allowing Christmas to override Thanksgiving. There is plenty of time to celebrate Christmas without having it envelop and overpower Thanksgiving. Paige and I have had to work that out over the years. She has been known to sneak a few decorations around the house before Black Friday. We have come to an agreement, a detente if you will, concerning the proper timing of Thanksgiving and Christmas decor.
So tomorrow, on that worthy occasion, gather with family, if at all possible, and thank your Heavenly Father for the bounty of blessings in your life. Here are a few things for which I am thankful this year:
- God's provision in my dad's recent bout with ill health and his return to normalcy
- God's continual call upon my life, and His orchestration of new things to show me
- My beautiful and talented wife whose love continues to confound me
- The most awesome daughter a father could have, who constantly spurs me on to a deeper understanding of love
- A family, whose closeness I do not take for granted, and whose love empowers me
- Great friends
- A warm and inviting home
- The sound of music
Happy Thanksgiving and God's Richest Blessings To You and Your Kin!
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