Friday, April 11, 2008

Good Friday

Today was another good Friday.  We are just a few weeks removed from Good Friday, but I am at a time in my life when every Friday is pretty darn good.  With my schedule of work responsibilities and what I call my "ministerial extra-curriculars," it just so happens that Friday is just about the best day for me to take off every week.  When you are in the student ministry, however, Friday is often a day that becomes taken up with activities.  In that event, I take some "comp time" on some other day.

As I was saying, Friday's are great right now because Ellie is not in school, yet she is old enough to take out and have a great time.  Our routine consists of going to gymnastics and then for a late lunch at a place of her choosing. La Carreta, a local Mexican restaurant chain, is one of our favorite haunts.  That is where we went today.  For the past several years, Ellie's main entree of choice there was the children's cheese quesadilla.  Today, though, she specifically wanted a taco salad with no tomatoes.  My baby is growing up.

After lunch, we go by and see mommy at work, and possibly pick her up if she happens to get off early.  Then, if nothing else is planned, we try to get into some kind of "adventure."

I treasure this time because Ellie starts school this fall.  Everything changes then.  That's when this thing called life starts to kick in the turbo boost.  I have spent years around teenage girls. Some of whom have less than ideal relationships with their fathers.  After witnessing that for some time, I have determined that I never want to close the lines of communication with Ellie. She tells me everything and she thinks her daddy has the answer for everything.  Will that change?  Of course.  But, the more proactive I can be as a daddy, the less distance comes between father and daughter. 

I have found that intentionally spending time with Ellie intensifies her learning process.  When I am gone, she takes serious notice.  She also knows when daddy is away from her it is either to go to some country to tell people about Jesus, or to go spend time with some of my "big kids" who need love too.  She is now understanding the priority of Christ in our lives and in the life of our family.  She is developing a compassionate heart toward people in need as well as the desire to give in order to try to meet needs.  If I sound a bit prideful toward my kid... so be it!

Today was even extra special as WCQR wound up Spring Sharathon by blowing past our goal of $250,000 to the tune of $267, 000+.  That means several things that were not included in the operating budget for this year can now be thrown back in--- like promotional items and the like.  To do this in light of rising gas prices and the nay-sayers who force feed us propaganda about a "struggling economy," is quite an accomplishment.  One that could not be possible if not for the grace of God working through faithful listeners.  

I have a passion for my radio ministry and if you would like to contribute to something that impacts thousands of people each day with the love of Christ, you can do so here.

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