Well, it has been far too long since I last posted, but I have a good reason. The last two weeks were totally consumed with Mission Tour 2008. Mission Tour is the traditional mission trip that ISBC students have undertaken for the last quarter century. This year we went to Pennsylvania and helped raise barns and churn butter. Nah, just kidding! We went to assist a church with vacation bible school and we did some backyard bible clubs and block parties, as well.
We took 65 students and adults- had a huge charter bus, a 26-foot Ryder truck and various and sundry vans and passenger vehicles. It is a fairly complicated planning process, but things went pretty smooth. You can check out pictures at www.isbcstudents.org
When we were not in VBS, BBC's or at a block party, we had a chance to hang out at our camp and take part in our favorite past time: 4 Square. I had never played 4-Square in my life until last week. Now I am a big fan. We would have a line or 20-25 people playing together at one time. It was some pretty strong competition. I have a number of highly competitive students in the group. I was able to observe a few things that deserve some blog time.
1) Everyone had an opportunity
Anyone who wanted to play need only to get in line. There was no preferential treatment or prejudice involved in the game.
2) All skill levels were welcome
There were individuals who were clearly more athletic than others who were involved in the game, but even they would get "put out" from time to time by an inferior player. It mattered not how good you could play, you were still welcome on the 4-square grid.
3) Everyone had fun
You could make it to king and stay for awhile, or you could get put out on the first serve of your first square. Everyone still had fun. There was good-natured ribbing going on, but it was given as easily as taken.
4) Student ministries and churches, for that matter, could learn a thing or two from 4-square.
The game served as an excellent metaphor for what we want to be about as a student ministry. There should be opportunity for all. Everyone should be made to feel welcome. You can serve equally regardless of skill level. Everyone should have fun in God's family.
There were many things I learned and experienced last week, but none more important than the "4-Square Ecclessiology."
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