The day began with tennis at our complex. Paige and I have not had our rackets out in many a year so while I was packing, I decided to throw them in. For Ellie, we picked up a Prince Sharapova racquet at Walmart that had all the requirements: right size, pink, cute girl endorsement, etc. The weather was great for it. It was an arctic 85 degrees and overcast today. We had a good time teaching Ellie a little and knocking it around a bit.
It was pool and beach time for a while in the afternoon.
Tonight we went to a place that had been suggested to us by some HHI regulars, Kenny B's French Quarter Cafe. As the name would suggest, it was all about the Cajun fare and it was really good and reasonably priced.
Afterward we had intended to go play some miniature golf , however, the one we really wanted to go to was packed. We decided to drown our sorrows in some fudge from a shop at Coligny.
Today's reflection comes from the observation that there are many, MANY people who have no idea how high to set the seat on their bicycle. Everyone rides bikes around here and 85% of them are working way too hard at it because their seat is set too low. I have passed I don't know how many men who are working up quite a froth because their knees are nearly hitting them in the chin. Wake up, America! Raise up your bicycle seats! Enjoy your ride.
More later...
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