- Chris Sligh is a talented young man. He has assembled a very talented band, as well. They were a breeze to work with.
- Chris has a soaring voice, humble spirit and quick wit-- a nice combination.
- This testimonial was heard straight from Chris' mouth, as well as, his tour manager, Clint, "Stan Bowman is the best sound man I have ever worked with." Amen and amen.
- Andy Leonard did a great job helping to pull this concert together, thanks man.
- Thanks to my WCQR family for working with ISBC on this-- a win, win, win.
- Name the last Christian concert in which you heard covers of Beatles, N'Sync, and Bon Jovi.
- I won't start naming names, but thanks to my catering crew, sound and light crew, ticket sales and taking crew, merchandise sales crew, parking lot greeting crew, safety and security crew and everyone else who gave so much of themselves to pull off a tremendous evening without so much as a hiccup. I thank God for placing me among such a great group of folks, so generous with their time and talents.
- Thanks to the pastoral staff and administrative staff at ISBC for supporting the effort so strongly.
- Chris made no pretense about setting a large fan front and center stage directly in front of him. It kept him cool while gently blowing through his fro. As fellow chubby boys, Pastor Roc and I are on the lookout for a similar set up when we preach or teach.
yo El Tigre! You did an outstanding job of coordinating this event from start to finish. It was by far the most organized concert we've had the pleasure of attending. Bravo!