Monday, May 4, 2009

A Big Decision

Last night my daughter Ellie admitted her need for a Savior due to her sin, believing that Jesus was who He said He was and did what the Bible says He did. Furthermore, believing that God had raised Him from the dead, she confessed Him as her Savior and Lord. It was the ABC's of faith that she had heard countless times in Vacation Bible School (still trying to figure out that vacation part). I have been talking to her about Jesus since she was still inside her mother's womb. We have read about it. We have seen pictures and movies about it. She has seen me baptize many people which always led to conversations about daddy baptizing her too. Last night, she had an opportunity to sing about it in church. All the times before she had not been ready. Last night... she was ready.

As she rode with her mother from the church to Perkin's for supper, she declared that she was ready! She did not want to even wait until the car stopped. She was shocked to find out that mommy could actually lead her in "the prayer." She had always assumed that daddy, "the professional," had to be the one to do such things and approach the throne of grace! I don't know when "the prayer" became the tradition because the Bible never spells out any specified prayer formula for salvation. The Bible plainly says in Romans 10:9,10 that we simply confess and believe... no prayer is mentioned. There is absolutely nothing wrong with praying, mind you. It is a nice formal way of "sealing the deal," but it is just another one of those traditions that we have sanctified.

When we got home last night, I "grilled" her. I am not wooed by the sweetness and light of a little girl's fanciful whimsy. I wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was doing. To my delight, as I began to talk about sin she began quoting scripture... my 6-year-old quoted Romans 3:23. As I began to talk about what Jesus did about our sin, she quoted John 3:16. When it finally dawned on us that she did, indeed, know what she was doing, Paige and I were overwhelmed with emotion.

Words can't express my gratitude for all the unseen people over the years who have rocked her in the nursery while whispering the love of Jesus. The ones who taught her Sunday School classes and told her the Good News. The ones who helped her make a craft in VBS that symbolized God's love for her. The pastors who have preached to her. The family and friends who have just loved her. All of them played a part in this.

But here is what I want to say to parents. Nothing on this earth can replace or duplicate what YOU can offer your children, spiritually. Never abdicate your role in their spiritual lives to people like me under the guise that "it is my job." In many respects, YOU hold the keys to the Kingdom! Tell them. As it says in Deuteronomy 6:7, "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." In other words, at all times be living Jesus for your kids. The reward is out of this world!


  1. AMEN, AMEN, AND AMEN!! Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah

  2. That requires a big AMEN!!! Both of my girls were saved at young ages,too. Bethany was 7 years and 2 days and Savannah was 5. Scott and I grilled them, too. (You always want to be certain they understand)I have no doubt that they both understand the sacrifice that was made for them. I can rest easy each night knowing that my entire family will be with me in Paradise! GOD IS GOOD!!
