Last Wednesday, we were in the middle of our Mission Tour in the Cincinnati, Ohio area with our students from ISBC, when Paige started having severe pain in her lower abdomen late that evening. We were blessed to have our good friend and nurse, Tese, on hand to come to her assistance and advise us that we probably needed to go to the ER. So after spending the night at Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati and after blood tests, CT scan, and ultrasound, it was determined that Paige had a 4.7 cm mass on her right ovary. She took it easy for the remainder of our time there and we returned to Kingsport.
This past Monday, Paige was able to see her regular OB/Gyn and they did another test to help gauge the risks with the understanding that whatever it was, it had to come out anyway. Today, we returned to see the doctor and he referred us to a specialist who we will see this Friday and who, in all likelihood, will perform the surgery the first of next week. We still have no way of knowing exactly what the mass is until it is removed and tested. When they open her up and test it they will know if it is benign and no further action needs to be taken, or if it is malignant and more invasive measures need to be taken.
There are many reasons that could account for the mass and the elevated numbers other than cancer. We remain positive although concerned. We are trusting our Lord with whatever this turns out to be and have faith that His plan is perfect. We continue to covet your prayers and appreciate your loving concern. I will do my best to keep everyone up to date through this blog.
Grace and Peace,
Thanks for the update, Tiger. As you know, we are praying as are Greg and Joy, Billy and Mildred, my office staff, and the prayer ministry of Faith Promise Church! See you this weekend.