Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Small Victory from a Great Loss

Six months ago, Paige and I decided that we needed to lose weight and get into better shape. The same day we unofficially started our journey, I went to get a haircut at a barber shop I had never been to before. I was looking to get a flat top and my old standby was closed. As I waited for my turn, I noticed a giant chart on the wall that read, The Barber Battle of the Bulge. Apparently, Jeff and Bobby, the principal barbers and rather rotund fellows in their own right, began a competition with each other to lose weight. Furthermore, they invited any customers who wanted to participate to make a donation to the American Diabetes Association, commit to weighing in once a month (no haircut required) and the customer who lost the most weight, by percentage, wins one year of free haircuts. What did I have to lose, but a ton of weight? I had already started it anyway. I told them to sign me up and I mounted the scales.  One thing is for sure, they secured themselves a customer.

On this Christmas Eve day the contest ends. I will go to the barber shop and weigh in for the final time. The funny thing is, even though I have shed 45 lbs. or so, I will win as a result of attrition. None of the other participants bothered to stick with it and did not maintain the once-a-month weigh in requirement. In the broad scheme of things, this is a very minor victory in my life-- the free haircuts that is. The weight loss, however, has been a pretty big deal for me. I still have a long way to go, but compared to the many times before, I have really enjoyed the accountability I have shared with Paige as we have been doing this. She looks fabulous and we both feel a LOT better. Oh-- and in case you were wondering, Jeff and Bobby combined to lose an amount of weight equivalent to roughly one Radio City Rockette. They have done really well.

Dr. Tom Rogers and his staff at Performance Medicine here in Kingsport (they have a Johnson City location, as well), were very instrumental in the early stages of our weight loss program. Now that we are better educated and have developed better habits, we have been able to continue to help each other lose weight and exercise on our own. I know that we are not alone and that weight is a big hairy deal for MANY of my friends and family. Know that I am praying for all who would read this who struggle in this area as we have. If this is you, please know that YOU CAN DO IT! Forget about making new year's resolutions and all that garbage. The best thing you can do- and the only thing that will ever work- is determine in your heart that you want to be healthier, pray for God's guidance and strength, and seek medical help if you need to.

I have learned much during this process. Much of what I have learned is about how I have related to food over the years. Some of it may resonate with you. I will try to share some of these insights from time to time in the days ahead.

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