When I arrived at the house, I discovered that the “something” under the car was a rather obese Bassett hound. He had managed to wedge himself under the son’s “low rider, ghetto cruiser” that had a ground clearance of approximately 4 inches. I quickly got the jack out, lifted the car up enough to get the jack under it, and was able to free "Fido." The customer was elated, I was happy to have been able to help her and the dog took a liking to me, as well.
Reflecting on that event, I think about the mixed emotions the lady must have felt. Feelings of embarrassment over having to call about something so strange, while at the same time feeling worry and heartache for her dog. Likewise, many times people are too ashamed to talk to God about certain circumstances in their life. They feel unworthy of His concern. Instead, they let things grow and fester until they are completely overcome by them. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you…” Matthew 7:8 says, “ For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Our Lord wants us to give our burdens, the things that overwhelm us, to Him. He will take care of you. He promises.
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