Looking back now I think that must have been what really peaked my interest in Elvis. What was it about this man that caused his death to affect so many people this way? I had seen some televised concerts, I had seen some movies, I had seen his appearances on other shows and I had heard detailed accounts of his concerts, but the thing that really got me was the effect his death had on others. It sparked a lifelong interest in the man and his music.
I always had a knack and love for imitation and Elvis became a passion of mine. It was one of those things that the family would make me do at get-togethers. Later when I joined the church youth group it escalated. As we developed the program we would share at the campgrounds to which we ministered on our Myrtle Beach summer mission trips, we were told a portion of our "show" needed to be secular in order to keep everyone happy. So, you guessed it, yours truly was Elvis. It was a really easy promotion. People came out of the woodwork to see how a bunch of kids were going to pull off Elvis, and, by golly, we did.
Now, 30 years later, the music and madness that is Elvis are as big as ever. According to Forbes magazine, the Elvis empire generates an annual income of $40 million. Yes, that's right, Elvis has made more money dead than he did when he was alive. I already have plans to contribute to that cause at the beginning of next year. A good friend and I will travel to Graceland for a first-time visit for the both of us.
Try as I might I cannot think of another notable figure who has enjoyed continued fame, fortune and notoriety on the scale of Elvis 30 years after their death... other than Jesus Christ. What was happening 30 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Well, in a day and age when communications paled in comparison to what we have today, His church was growing at exponential rates. Paul was in the midst of writing his epistles to the various churches he had planted and disciples in whom he had invested.
Nearly 2000 years later, the correlations between the King of Rock n' Roll and the King of Kings are many. Although I still do a mean Elvis, I seek to imitate Christ more so in my daily life. Although I plan on making a journey to the king's house in Memphis, whenever I gather with all the King's men (and women), my church folk, within the four walls of the sanctuary or without, then and only then am I truly in grace land.
If you are a Christ-follower my challenge to the both of us is to do what we can to help the empire of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, continue to grow and flourish until our King returns. After all, He is the one that is still very much alive, and He loves you... tender.
Brother my brother. I cannot wait for our Memphis Road Trip!