Sunday evening we had a children's event at our church. It was a carnival of sorts. We had a bunch of kids running around. Most of them were "my kids," but we were blessed with having a number of kids from the surrounding community whom I had not had the pleasure of meeting. It is inevitable when I am playing around with younger kids some of them become inquisitive about my size. They want to be picked up, slung around and like to treat me like a jungle gym.
While I was walking around and doing my thing, one young man asked me what it was like to be so big. I laughed and gave him some curt answer but it caused me to think about some things. Being a big guy has its advantages and disadvantages. Maybe you have some middle schoolers who won't listen to you. They tend to listen to me. Got a heated game of Red Rover coming up? I'm your man. Do you need to take a walk down a dark alley in a bad part of town? Who ya gonna call? You say you made way to much chicken and dumplings and need to get rid of it? I'm there.
On the flip side, the only reason I go to the mall is to watch Paige shop. The only thing at our mall that fits me is a booth at Italian Village. I have to pay three prices at Bubba's Big and Tall in order to have clothes to wear. Sure, kids listen to me, only because I can scare them to death. I hate flying because the only seats that I can afford come in extra small. I don't test drive cars or trucks, I try them on to make sure they fit. It's not all peaches and cream to be a big guy.
Being a big guy has as many limitations as being someone of smaller stature. We each can do things and accomplish things that the other cannot. Our weaknesses are the other's strengths in many respects. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, has no weakness. Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 what Christ revealed to him. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Although Paul had a lot he could have bragged about, he went on to say that he boasts all the more gladly about his weaknesses so that Christ's power would rest on him.
I have no problem letting you know that this big guy has many weaknesses. Paige can send you a list that has been alphabetized and collated. But I know a man who has perfect strength and I would love to tell you about Him. After all, who do you think I call when I find myself in life's dark alleys?
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