I love football! It may be because of football that my favorite time of year is the fall. It also may be because of cooler temperatures (PLEASE!), or the colors, or possibly a wardrobe that is more favorable to my figure (did I just say that?).
This weekend I had the rare opportunity of having a few hours to vegetate in front of the television and watch some of the premier games on the tube. Maybe I had forgotten, but it became apparent to me once again, just how awesome football games are in HD! Discovery Channel in HD is impressive. Movies in HD are amazing. But watching a football game in HD is spectacular. The colors of the jerseys pop. The green fields (or blue if you are Boise State) are beautiful. It does have its drawbacks, as well. A full screen image of Joe Paterno's face in HD is enough to cause nightmares, but it is worth the chance. The sound is better too. Being able to watch something with such clarity of picture and sensational sound almost makes one wonder why one would ever pay to go to the game...almost.
After watching something in HD it is hard to go back and watch a non-HD broadcast. The Vols were on pay-per-view Saturday. Turning from the brilliant picture of the South Carolina vs. Georgia game to the pay-per-view channel was like getting out of a Ferrari and getting on a moped. It was almost painful.
It is a funny dynamic. People who don't have HD and who have never seen anything in HD, scoff at the thought. "I can see just fine. Why would I want to pay more money to see the same thing? That is foolish." It is very much like the differing dynamics between being a Christ-follower and not being a person of faith.
When Christ takes up residence in your heart, it is as if the blinders are lifted. Life makes much more sense. There is a clarity that was just not there before. 2 Corinthians 3:16 even eludes to this, "But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." People who have not turned to faith are as those with veiled faces. Things of the Spirit make no sense to them. It is virtually impossible for Christ-followers to describe a faith-filled life in a way that makes sense to a non-Christ-follower. Just like the non-HD broadcast viewer, they see a cost that they are not willing to pay for the kind of life that, to them, is confusing.
If you are a follower of Christ, pray that the Holy Spirit would interpret your words and actions in a way that communicates Christ's love and grace to others.
If you are reading this and you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, trust me, you do not know what you are missing, but you can.
This weekend I had the rare opportunity of having a few hours to vegetate in front of the television and watch some of the premier games on the tube. Maybe I had forgotten, but it became apparent to me once again, just how awesome football games are in HD! Discovery Channel in HD is impressive. Movies in HD are amazing. But watching a football game in HD is spectacular. The colors of the jerseys pop. The green fields (or blue if you are Boise State) are beautiful. It does have its drawbacks, as well. A full screen image of Joe Paterno's face in HD is enough to cause nightmares, but it is worth the chance. The sound is better too. Being able to watch something with such clarity of picture and sensational sound almost makes one wonder why one would ever pay to go to the game...almost.
After watching something in HD it is hard to go back and watch a non-HD broadcast. The Vols were on pay-per-view Saturday. Turning from the brilliant picture of the South Carolina vs. Georgia game to the pay-per-view channel was like getting out of a Ferrari and getting on a moped. It was almost painful.
It is a funny dynamic. People who don't have HD and who have never seen anything in HD, scoff at the thought. "I can see just fine. Why would I want to pay more money to see the same thing? That is foolish." It is very much like the differing dynamics between being a Christ-follower and not being a person of faith.
When Christ takes up residence in your heart, it is as if the blinders are lifted. Life makes much more sense. There is a clarity that was just not there before. 2 Corinthians 3:16 even eludes to this, "But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." People who have not turned to faith are as those with veiled faces. Things of the Spirit make no sense to them. It is virtually impossible for Christ-followers to describe a faith-filled life in a way that makes sense to a non-Christ-follower. Just like the non-HD broadcast viewer, they see a cost that they are not willing to pay for the kind of life that, to them, is confusing.
If you are a follower of Christ, pray that the Holy Spirit would interpret your words and actions in a way that communicates Christ's love and grace to others.
If you are reading this and you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, trust me, you do not know what you are missing, but you can.
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