Last night during The Refinery, we had a study on the Trinity. I think we take for granted many times that our trinitarian concept is something that can be easily grasped. Many of us have grown up hearing about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit so often we simply have filed that in our faith files and don't stop to consider how difficult the concept may be for the not-yet-Christ-follower to understand.
No other religion in the world makes the claims about its god that we Christ-followers make about ours. One God existing in three, coequal, coexisting persons represented as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nothing else in nature is like Him. Some may think water would be a good metaphor for God because it has three distinct states- solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (water vapor.) However, water cannot exist in more than one state at a time. God exists in three inseparable persons at all times.
I once heard the trinity described as an iron rod that has been placed in the fire. It has mass, shape, and density that can be seen and touched. Then when heated in the fire it glows and gives off light. Finally, not only does it have material existence and luminescence, it also radiates heat- three distinct characteristics, three different functions all in one object at the same time. But as enticing as that analogy may be, it still does not come close to encapsulating who God is.
God's word clearly describes and offers many pieces of internal evidence as to the purposes served by Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Frankly, I am okay with serving a God that cannot fully be explained in human terms. After all, would a god that we could easily explain really be a God to be served and revered? God transcends our ability to fully comprehend Him, yet He is a God who, because of His love for us, makes Himself immanent and intimate.
You can know Him and love Him. I pray that you do.
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