Well, the time has arrived. I have been on the new job for two days. It has been quite a ride getting to this point. The people of Indian Springs could not possibly have been more gracious to me and my family in the weeks leading up to my joining the staff. Tomorrow night I have my first official Bible study with my new students. This is where the rubber meets the road. Don't take this the wrong way- but charm and charisma will only take you so far. Eventually, as a student pastor, you have to be highly relational and exhibit the ability to exegete scripture and speak a word from God into the lives of those you serve. Right now all Indian Springs has to go on is a firm handshake, winning smile, quick wit and a few choice words from individuals known as references who were all compensated handsomely (not really.)
This reality hit me over the weekend. Before now it was all, well, kind of "out there." Now it is all right here. Kind of scary. This must feel a little like Benaiah felt.
Ever heard of Benaiah? Unless you have made a point to read your Bible through in its entirety, you may not have had the pleasure of reading or hearing about him. You can read about his exploits in 2Samuel 23 beginning in verse 20. He is the principal character in a book entitled, "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Why? Because this dude chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day...and came out victorious.
When I think about the challenge of leaving my comfort zone to go and begin living life with people whom I have never met, engaging them on a Kingdom level and cheering them on as we all move Christward together... it feels a little like jumping in a hole with a 500 lb. lion. The common denominator in both of these circumstances, however, is a God who is bigger than everything we face and who empowers us to be victorious.
Pray for me. More later. I have to go sharpen my spear.
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