In the immortal words of Charlie Brown-"Good grief!" The Mitchell Report on steroids in Major League Baseball was released today and is dominating the airwaves on all my favorite talk-radio outlets. I am so tired of hearing about steroids, HGH and other things in sports. Abuse is abuse. You don't hear anyone discussing the prevalent, even excessive use of alcohol in the stadiums, arenas and locker rooms. Yet, more people are injured and killed do to the abuse of that drug than die because of "roid rage." I kind of like seeing a player lay the wood to one for about 550 feet, or some 38-year-old pitcher bringing the heater at about 98 mph to retire the side and secure the victory. Okay, okay, I obviously don't want anyone risking their health for my entertainment, but I often wonder if steroids might be able to give me a competitive edge like it does other athletes.
Now I know I can hit a ball pretty good, but no matter how much "juice" I shoot into this 27-acre body of mine, it would still take me a half hour to make it to first base. Obviously, I am not talking about a sports advantage. I am talking about my ministry. Perhaps I would have to blog in fonts this size if I were to rub on some of "the clear." Maybe my recovery time would be shortened and I could post every day, maybe twice a day! It would be great if I could swallow something that would positively affect my memory and allow me to remember all those 50-cent theological words I learned in seminary so as to spice up my blogs, bible study lessons and sermons.
Then again, maybe not.
Seriously, though, there definitely are some things Christ-followers can do to "juice up" and gain a competitive advantage over the Adversary in our battle for souls, for Kingdom advance and in our efforts to live THE life. First, we have to ADOPT a lifestyle of worship. Striving to do everything with an obedient attitude and awareness of Christ's working in our lives. Second we have to ABIDE. John 15:5-8 describes the process of our abiding in Jesus and His abiding in us and the fruit that springs forth from that relationship. Finally, we have to ABSTAIN from activities, acquaintances, and anemic attitudes that weaken our resolve and draw us off the right path.
With the kind of "Jesus Juice" I have described here, one can really "pump up" their faith life.
God bless and happy juicing!
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