Anyway, today I met a couple of ministry colleagues at Starbucks for coffee and a chat. For this story to make sense you also need to know that today, December 11, 2007 it was 70 degrees in Kingsport (sorry Jason). I broke a sweat walking from my truck to the front door of the place. Crazy. So the real dilemma we faced as we were making our decisions on what to order was whether or not to get our favorite coffee beverage hot or iced. Iced coffee is the new black. It is in vogue. That may come as a shock to most East Tennesseans who only know coffee as being a cup of JFG that is served at a moderate 525 degrees. So we were standing in line, waffling back and forth on hot vs. iced, when a thought came to me. Another one of those stream of consciousness deals again (see previous post from two days ago).
Both hot and iced coffees are pretty tasty, but have you ever slurped up a mouthful of room temperature coffee? Nasty does not quite describe it! I was in my office the other day reading and reached for my coffee without even thinking that it had been sitting there for 2 hours. I literally wanted to spit it out as soon as it reached my tongue. It makes me think of the church at Laodicea. The apostle John addressed his letter (what has become known as the Book of The Revelation) to seven churches in the Asian provinces. In chapters two and three we read what John has dictated from our Lord, Jesus Christ- admonitions, observations, warnings and praise directed toward the seven individual churches. The last of which is directed toward the church in Laodicea and prove to be some of the most scathing remarks of them all. Jesus says in verses 15 and 16, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Wow!
In this context cold would describe those who have not yet been exposed to or made a decision for Christ. Hot would describe those who have been warmed by the Gospel message and fanned into flame by an abiding relationship with Jesus. Laodiceans were neither. This probably means they were aware of Jesus, had been exposed to Him, but had decided to remain noncommittal. Sound like anyone you know? Those on both extremes know where they stand. Those choosing to occupy the middle ground are in dangerous territory.
Perhaps they choose to adopt a Christ-like lifestyle with all the morality and values that go along with that and , yet, remain separate from an abiding relationship with Him and His church. It is easy to get to the point where they think they are "safe" because of good works or because they are, generally-speaking, "nice people." The problem is, that is NOT good enough. We cannot be good enough. That is the whole reason for Christmas. God knew we were not and could not be good enough, so He sent His Son to us.
The good news is that later on in the same chapter Jesus says, "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." You have never gone too far and it is never too late with Jesus! He will come to you again, and again, just as He came to all of us 2000 years ago. My prayer is that you will open the door.
Now, excuse me while I go get some more coffee.
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