I began planning this event about two and half months ago and was wanting really badly to get all my kids there. But as the weekend approached, one by one, they began to drop out. There were sporting events, dance rehearsals, work obligations and a plethora of other excuses. Some were grounded for disciplinary problems and others just decided they plain-ol didn't want to go. However, deposits were paid, plans were made and the show must go on. But as I headed down the highway Friday with only 11 folks in tow, I have to admit I was pretty down-hearted.
Upon arrival, I was encouraged by the quality of the facilities and the wonderful spirit exhibited by Rex and Sherri Oster and their family, the directors of The Oaks. I had arranged for my friend and fellow divinity school alum, Steven Staton, to come down from his church in Ohio and teach the sessions so anticipating seeing him again also bolstered my spirit.
The theme for the weekend could best be described as authenticity in our Christian walk- living Christ and all that entails. It was obvious from the first session on Friday night that God had shown up. The kids were listening intently and our fellowship together was enjoyable. Saturday we were able to try out the 400 ft. zip line and do some team building exercises on the low ropes course.
Saturday night things got interesting. Early in the evening the wind picked up dramatically. We were meeting in a large gym and the gusts sounded like a freight train roaring by at times. It went on and on and on. After we all retired to our rooms for the night, the wind still roared outside. When we awoke the next morning the evidence of the windy activity was obvious. There were drifts of leaves piled up on the large porch, overturned rocking chairs and downed limbs and trees. We found out that the geography of the camp greatly increases the force of the wind and that it was a normal occurrence.
Reflecting on the weekend now, I know that the high speed wind gusts experienced Saturday night did not compare with the real mighty Wind that blew through our lives during this three day advance. The Pneuma (Greek word used to describe the Holy Spirit in the New Testament and literally means "wind") was at work. From my personal observations and testimonies from many of those students and adults in attendance, much was learned and spiritual growth was experienced.
Many thanks to Steven for the wonderful job you did in communicating the Word. Thanks to the Osters for being great hosts and great cooks. Thanks to Paige and Becky Hill for helping me hold down the fort. Thanks also to C.J., Zach, Deuce, Todd, L.B., Amber, Kimberly, Dylan and Joey for stretching yourselves and sharing your lives with me. Finally, thanks be to the Father, Son and Mighty Wind for demonstrating Your power and your sovereignty in our lives
Missin you big guy! Remember the time you drove me to Atlanta and back?