Monday, August 31, 2009

Then frustration set in

So all the sudden, Paige finds that she can't log into her Charter email account. I have been on the phone with a computer all night. At one point, I felt I could choke the kilobytes out of this computer voice. THEN when I finally get on the line with a real person-- didn't catch his name, let's call him "Sanjaya"--  Sanj proceeds to tell me that the email Paige has had for 10 years does not exist. Help me, Lord! I repent for imagining myself feeding my Mac to Sanjaya— sideways.  What is wrong with these people?

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tim Hawkins- "The Government Can"

I have laughed until my belly ached at Tim Hawkins' DVDs over the years. I was sent a link to this little jewel that I just had to share. May it make your Thursday go better (or whatever day you are watching this on.) Hopefully, a very popular Christian radio station, about which I am intimately familiar, but shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, will be bringing him to the area sooner rather than later.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ellie Coming Into Her Comedic Own

We were driving down the road after eating lunch today. As we stopped at a light, Ellie looks over at the car next to us and says, "Daddy, look at the hair on that man!" This was totally and completely without any leading whatsoever, mind you.

 Sure enough, the man had the prototypical comb-over with the long whispys flapping in the breeze. After reminding her to never make such exclamations in public and explaining the nature and reasoning behind the coif du jour, I proceeded to laugh until I teared up a bit. What a proud moment!
-Tiger Brooks
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pastor Percy Love has left the building.

Pastor Percy made an appearance at Launch 2009-- spread the love, baby!
-Tiger Brooks
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Interesting year for East TN Football

It will be nice to see familiar foes across the field after all these years. I just hope people still talk to me when the dust settles.
-Tiger Brooks
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

If You Need This, You Are TOO Busy

I enjoy Hammacher Schlemmer catalogs. They are chock full of things I would consider buying if I had disposable income... okay, maybe a few things I splurged on and did get. You may remember that they sell the finest travel coffee mug in the free world-

I got a new catalog in the mail today. Three pages in, I see this- The 40 Second Toothbrush. As you can see in the description, this little jewel brushes FOUR, count ‘em, FOUR teeth at once... inside and out. Apparently, this cuts your toothbrushing time by 66%. Wow! Let’s imagine what we could do with that extra minute and a half.

1) Clean the sink (that was Paige’s)
2) Pray (that was my Sunday school answer)
3) Savor my coffee a little more (my reality answer)
4) 50 stomach crunches (the “Tiger” in my imagination)

Seriously now, since when is two minutes just too long to spend on dental hygiene? It seems like in “Microwave America,” everything continually must advance, technologically speaking, so that we can save time. What are we doing with all this time we are saving? Because of my laptop, cell phone, microwave, electric razor, DVR, cordless phone, programmable coffee maker, that Bluetooth thingamabob, and my Exxon Speedpass, I figured the increased efficiency and the shortened amount of time that it takes me to do all those things rather than have attempted the “old fashioned” way, I buy myself an extra 27 minutes a day. What do I do with that you ask? Apparently, the same things you do-- Facebook, Twitter, blogs, internet, PS3, yeah... you're busted. I think you get my point. The best layed plans of mice and men, as the saying goes. We are so busy. We multi-task. We fight, scratch, and claw for more and more time to claim for ourselves so that we can... do what? The thing that I have been coming back to recently is the power of being still. Psalm 46:10 says,"Be still and know that I am God." The down time that I "enjoyed" during Paige's recent health issues actually gave me room to think and reflect on many things. Believe it or not, I whiled away many a moment sitting on my deck and front porch just being quiet and thinking. Occasionally, I read my Bible or something else, but it was truly satisfying to merely be still and... think. I guess I should not use the term "merely" as if to do something that God commands us to do is a trivial pursuit.

Whether you buy the toothbrush or not, use some of that time that you squirrel away during the day and be still. You will be surprised.

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lauren Sumner makes a mean lasagna.

-Tiger Brooks
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Random Thought Before Bedtime...

I wonder if one could trace back to find the very first family who took the obligatory beach picture in khaki pants, white, linen shirts and bare feet? Be on the lookout for a white linen shirt in 2XL tall. Headed to the beach with the family next month. Paige and I have not even discussed this--- I just sense it is coming.

 Good night and God bless.

Posted via email from tigerbrooks's posterous

Monday, August 10, 2009

Teen Choice Awards 2009: Never thought the day would come...

I never thought the day would come that I would finally reach the age at which I stare at the television slack jawed and wondering what in the world I was seeing. I am a student minister after all. I spend lots of time with teens. I remember being one and thinking to myself, "I will always stay on top of what is current, hip, and hot." I unwittingly told myself a lie.

 It is amazing how things have changed. Styles change. Clothes shrink. Only moderate talent passes for superstar status. But who am I to throw stones? We all like what we like. It may fluctuate miniscule amounts one way or the other, but if we are honest with ourselves, we are not quite as all-inclusive, stylistically speaking, as we pretend to be.

 Yes, I am getting older, but at least I am aware of that fact. I know many who have the misconception that they can stay young forever. We get together and laugh at them--- but in a loving way, of course, and we preface it with a, "Bless his/her heart."

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