Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Worship: Do We Truly Care?

As I have been reading through the Pentateuch on the B90X plan, many new insights and thoughts have sprung up. Among them was the thought of how much care we put into the worship of God or perhaps the lack thereof. Have you read through the last half of Exodus or Leviticus lately? It goes on chapter after chapter detailing God’s instructions for the construction and provisioning of the tabernacle. Intricate details are given as to the types of materials and colors to be used, as well as, the design of the different implements and even the apparel worn by the priests.  

As I read about the building of the Ark of the Covenant for the umpteenth time, it finally hit me that God wanted the INSIDE to be laden with pure gold. Nowadays we would say, “Why waste money on gold for the inside when only a few choice servants will ever see inside it? Just leave the bare wood exposed.”  Because God sees it. It is for Him and His glory and it is not about us.

Now juxtapose what you have just read with what goes on at your church. Is there that level of detail and care given to the worship of God?  I am not talking about formality or styles or music. However your church worships, wherever you gather, whatever you do, is there dogged attention to detail?  I fear that, as a minister, I too often treat my worship time as routinely as sitting down for a meal or going to Wal-Mart. I fear as a worship leader that I don’t concern myself with the environment and implements utilized in the place where I am leading.  Are things cluttered or are they in good order? As a worshipper am I doing everything I can to prepare myself for worship? I was very much convicted by the realization that I am far too callous and cavalier when it comes to worship.

We should certainly adopt the attitude that God lays out in His word with respect to “praying without ceasing” and basically doing everything we do with an attitude of worship because we do what we do to the glory of God. However, I think we should also treat those special times that we gather corporately expressly for the worship of God as if they are truly special--- or do we just not care?

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